Wednesday 5 June 2013

Insert Story


I have a story for you. This story is very (very) good. You have to read it. The beginning is a job (from Indonesian Lesson). I and my friends was given a job by the teacher. The teacher wanted to make a show and we were the player. Before we played, we thought hardly to find a good story. Finally, I had an idea.

This is the story from me. One of us had to be an insane. He had to be a crazyman. Codename: GILA. He walked and walked on the road. He sniled and laughed to anyone he met. Then, there were two workers of spirit hospital. They had a job too. They had to search insanes from the street and they would bring insanes to the spirit hospital. Then they saw the insane. Codename: GILA. They chased Gila but the insane could run faster than the workers of spirit hospital.

Then, we move to another story but this story is still has connection with the last (the first) story. A boy just came from his friend’s house. His father is very very angry when he knew that his son came from his friend’s house. His father surprised when he saw his kid was unhealthy. Then, his father called hospital because his father was a big leader (one of hundreds)

After he did it, called the hospital, I don’t know what happen. But then, I saw a big alien, the insane. He said that he was the doctor that he (father) called few minutes ago. OK,friends!! I want to finish this story first because I have (maybe) a lot of jobs. I can not tell you about the job because its very very secret. But I am sure I will continue this story. OK, friend, goodbye. See you next time.

WRITER, Tuesday, 2002-06-04, 09.25pm-09.45pm.


Hello, friends!!!! I come back. I return. I want to tell you about the next story. The father of that boy called a hospital. Not so long, a doctor (a person who looks like the doctor) came. The father didn’t know if the doctor was an insane/crazyman who had Gila as his codename. Then, they went into the house.

Then, we move the scene to another place. There were two persons. They were talking about world cup 2002. They were tired. So they sat under a big green tree. They were still talk about world cup two thousand and two. They surprised when they heard the boy shouted (loudly). The boy was afraid with the doctor. He shouted very very loudly.

Then, two workers of spirit hospital appeared. They caught the insane (fake doctor). They were helped by two persons that took a rest under the big green tree. One of the workers of spirit hospital said thank you to those persons. Then he took the cap of the insane (codename: Gila). He surprised when he saw the insane (codename: Gila). He knew that person. The insane was his old friend at senior high school. Then he asked the insane why he could be an insane. The insane answered that he could be an insane because he could not be a doctor, his dream. It made him crazy.

OK, friends. That is the unclear story. I want to finish this story because I didn’t have another story. Maybe next time I will write again with my own story, the original one. Maybe my story is not good. You can read it or you can close this post if you didn’t want to read my own story. Ok friends. Wait for me. Goodbye. Sayonara and jaa nee.

WRITER, Thursday, 2002-06-06, 07.30pm-07.45pm

NOTE: About the spirit hospital. After I ask the Google about that, I get the right translation (maybe). Those are mental Hospital, Asylum, mental home, insane asylum and nuthouse. Those are stories from my school live. It’s a task from Indonesian Lesson to make a drama. It’s a teamwork actually but its so sad why I have to write this story on my own. You can read the real version, the original one in this link.

Image 01 taken from this site

Image 02 taken from this SITE

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