Friday 5 July 2013



Mechadot, Diztro, Cino and Neo chased the pickpocket. The pickpocket ran with very high speed. So, the Quartet used their own way to cacth the pickpocket. Diztro used his (big) shoes, Cino used another street and Neo used his belt. Mechadot didn’t use anything but he was still chase the pickpocket. Mechadot was amazed because he didn’t see another people who tried to catch the pickpocket. Finally, Mechadot and his friends could catch the running pickpocket. But what do they get? They got anger but they got it not from a hothead. They got it because they had disturbed a making of film.

The holiday was walking (running is the best word choice). Day by day passed. Finally, the day to return to the school had come. Some of Mr Zet’s students were very afraid because they didn’t have any experience to tell but the Quartet were very (very) happy because they had a (very) good experiences to tell.

All of the student wanted to know about the experiences because they had knew that the Quartet were liars. Finally, the bell had rung and the lesson would begin. The first lesson in the Mechadot and friends’s class was Mr Zet’s lesson. They were not afraid (as usual). Mr Zet knew about the Quartet habits. So, for the first round, Mr Zet commanded (order) the Quartet to tell their experiences during the holiday. Mechadot is the first one to tell.

Then, Mechadot told about his experiences. When the students were listening Mechadot’s story, a lot of them laughed loudly because they could not believe Mechadot’s story. The students which not laugh were Mechadot’s friends because they knew the story was right. Do you want to know the story?

SHSW, Monday, 2002-03-18, 06.15am—06.43am.

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