Thursday 18 July 2013


ENDGAME (12-13)

Finally, we were fallen. I had yoga, a secret skill. I used it to release myself. Then, I used my secret handphone. I used it to call my magic car. In the way, I met Neo. Then, I met Mechadot and Diztro. We made a big plan to destroy Mr Bug factory because he was a state criminal. I used my own way. I wanted to destroy Mr Bug machine that made the (forbidden) food. After I found the magic diamond, I used some bombs to make some explosion in the factory.

Then, I saw Mr Bug. He wanted to run (away) again from me. I went to my (secret) plane. In there, Diztro wanted to fly. Then, we met Mechadot when my plane was chasing Mr Bug’s plane. Then, I asked Mechadot to control the plane because I wanted to go to Mr Bug’s plane. I used a rope. Finally, I could enter into Mr Bug’s plane. I fought versus Mr Bug’s workers (or fighters?). finally, I could defeat them eventhough I was still boy. Then, I wanted to Mr Bug’s room. I fought versus him hardly. But finally, I could defeat him. Do you know why I could defeat him? Because I was the super hero in the film. Then, I brought him to the police.

I brought the magic diamond to the museum. My big leader was very (very) happy. He gave me a lot of money. I used the money for my robots. I continued my plan to make triplestar but when I wanted to start, my secret handphone rang again. Oh, moU!!. My big leader called me again. He had a big job for me. He didn’t call another detective because he believed that I could solve this problem. OK, that is my story. Thank you for your attention. Thank you”, said Cino. The same case also happened after Cino finished his story.

SHSW, Tueday, 2002-03-19, 07.25am—07.44 am

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